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People Like Me

From Black Is the Body, which will be published in February by Knopf. Bernard is a professor of English and critical race and ethnic studies at the University of Vermont,…

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Cast Away

The illicit attraction of the lowly carp

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Flight of the Discords

The military–industrial–congressional complex bullies the F-35 Lightning II into Burlington

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Getting schooled

The re-education of an American teacher

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Weekly Review

At 20 points along the Gaza Strip’s southern border, Hamas operatives detonated explosives to topple an Israeli-built fence, allowing as many as 200,000 Palestiniansâ??13 percent of the territory’s populationâ??to cross…

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Weekly Review

The Cloaca Maxima, 1872 Iraqis took to the streets after the national soccer team beat Saudi Arabia 1?0 in the Asian Cup championship. At least four people were killed by…

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Meditations on a diminishing world

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Weekly Review

Runaway Raft on the Tigris. Thousands of U.S. Marine reserves were involuntarily recalled to active duty to offset a lack of volunteers for the fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan.CNNPresident George…

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Weekly Review

After an Israeli bombing raid killed 54 people, including 37 children, in the Lebanese village of Qana, Beirut residents set fire to a U.N. headquarters.Daily Star (Lebanon)Israel agreed to suspend…

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