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Archive: Aug 2009

You Read It Here First: Obama is not God

From the Washington Post: [T]he criticism of Barack Obama has turned strikingly personal as some of his liberal media allies have gone wobbly on him. After playing a cheerleading role…

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How Many Lobbyists Does It Take To Get $7.4 Billion From the Pentagon?

From the Washington Post: President Obama ordered federal officials to disclose their contacts with lobbyists trying to influence how the government doles out money to jump-start the economy. Yet few…

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Gogol’ – Those Damned Liberals!

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Some people want community foundations to support newspapers, sort of like NPR. I’m afraid that’d pull coverage away from poor people’s issues like crime and social services and toward rich…

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Six Questions for David Cole, Author of The Torture Memos: Rationalizing the Unthinkable

Georgetown law professor David Cole, a leading civil liberties advocate in relation to the “War on Terror,” has a new book out next week. The Torture Memos: Rationalizing the Unthinkable…

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New CIA Docs Describe Brutal Renditions Process

One of the gems among the stack of CIA documents released late on Monday is a memorandum sent to the man who then ran the Justice Department’s Office of Legal…

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Cadaver News Network

From David Rothkopf: [CNN] has in fact recently transformed itself into the Cadaver News Network. Between its non-stop coverage of Michael Jackson’s demise (that was a guy who really knew…

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Ohio Terror Plot: Little Red Riding Hood held as person of interest

From the Port Clinton News Herald: Authorities fielded a flurry of calls Saturday from concerned residents who saw men in ski masks, Ghostbusters, ballerinas, ninjas and Little Red Riding Hood.…

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Collect the Torture Team

Just in time for Labor Day, the Center for Constitutional Rights has introduced a novel way to keep track of the criminal investigation into Bush Administration torturers: Torture Team trading…

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Florida GOP Politico’s Political Motto: Charge it!

From the St. Petersburg Times: Ousted House Speaker Ray Sansom racked up about $173,000 on his Republican Party-issued credit card, taking his family on a trip to Europe, making visits…

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If a shoe-throwing journalist has come to represent the summa of Iraqi opinion concerning George W. Bush, the view from the north is different. In Kurdish eyes, the toppling of…

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Once Upon a Coup

Between 1503 and 1505, Niccolò Machiavelli was responsible for organizing the defense of the city of Florence. He turned to mercenary units to bolster the defense efforts, with disastrous results.…

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“People only care about being rich now – this is the only way to achieve social prestige. Before, careers weren’t so important; people had more time for their friends. In…

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Guess What: Cheney’s CIA docs don’t say what he claims they say

The centerpiece of Dick Cheney’s six-week-long torture tour, in which he made the case that torture works, was a claim that there were two CIA studies that proved him right.…

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D.C. Court Comes Through for Kyle Sampson

D. Kyle Sampson, sometimes referred to as Karl Rove’s “Mini-Me,” was Alberto Gonzales’s chief of staff when the U.S. attorneys scandal broke. He found himself at its epicenter and resigned…

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Follow The Money, Please

From Public Citizen: Lobbyists and lobbying firms representing seven of the top 10 TARP recipients in the financial services industry as well as four of their major trade association allies…

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Georgia Republican Setting New Standard for Corruption

From the Atlanta Journal Constitution: U.S. Rep. Nathan Deal, a Republican candidate for governor in 2010, personally intervened with Georgia leaders to preserve an obscure state program that earns his…

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From The Tastes Like Chicken Files

“South Auckland man Paea Taufa was found roasting his pitbull terrier-cross in an umu pit at his home in Mangere,” reads a story in the New Zealand Herald. “The dog…

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From Harper’s: Jeremy Miller on teaching the test From “Tyranny of the Test: One year as a Kaplan coach in the public schools” by Jeremy Miller A bell sounds, and…

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Major Democratic Donor Arrested For Bank Fraud

The United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York issued a press release today announcing the arrest of Hassan Nemazee, the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Nemazee…

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Seven Points on the CIA Report

You can catch my review of the CIA Inspector General John Helgerson’s report on BBC’s “The World” or on MSNBC’s Live with Carlos Watson today at 11 ET. Here, in…

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Weekly Review

Barack Obama claimed that the same groups that attacked the U.S. on September 11, 2001, were “plotting to do so again,” that the eight-year conquest and occupation of Afghanistan were…

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Almost two years ago I lost my cat Gattino. He was very young, still a kitten, at seven months barely an adolescent. He is probably dead but I don’t know…

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Holder’s Modified, Limited Hangout

Attorney General Eric Holder today announced that he has charged John Durham, a career prosecutor from Connecticut, to examine a series of cases in which CIA interrogators appear to have…

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The White House and the Justice Department: Different approaches to UBS

The Justice Department is sending UBS bankers to prison: Former UBS banker, Bradley Birkenfeld of Weymouth, Mass., has been sentenced to 40 months incarceration by Judge William J. Zloch in…

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The Myth of the Obama Movement

“Grass-Roots Battle Tests The Obama Movement,” ran a headline in the Washington Post yesterday atop an article that looked at why health care reform has bogged down. The story examined…

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Blackwater’s Contracts

Back when I was studying the relationship between private-security contractors and the Bush Administration for a book, it became clear very quickly that Blackwater (now called Xe) had a highly…

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