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Archive: Aug 2009


From Harper’s, July 2009: D. Graham Burnett and Jeffrey Andrew Dolven on Irony From “The Ironic Cloud,” by D. Graham Burnett and Jeffrey Andrew Dolven in the July 2009 Harper’s.…

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The Birth of the Atomic Age

On August 6, 1945, an atomic bomb fell on Hiroshima, and the atomic age was born. To mark it, read the gripping account published by the U.P.’s James McGlinchy: Driving…

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From Harper’s, July 2009: Findings From “Findings” in the July 2009 Harper’s. Biophysicists at the Monell Chemical Senses Center discovered that red pandas can taste aspartame, neotame, and sucralose and…

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My Introduction to Cronkite’s Kindliness

John R. MacArthur is publisher of Harper’s Magazine and author of the book You Can’t Be President: The Outrageous Barriers to Democracy in America. This column originally appeared in the…

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From Harper’s, July 2009: Kevin Baker on Barack Hoover Obama From “Barack Hoover Obama: The best and the brightest blow it again” by Kevin Baker in the July 2009 Harper’s.…

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Can the Military Commissions Be Salvaged?

Among those who are most engaged with them, there is a general consensus that the military commissions created by the Bush Administration were a huge embarrassment. The question is whether…

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Rove’s Mississippi Mud

The firing of nine U.S. attorneys at the end of 2006 provoked a special congressional probe, an internal investigation by the Department of Justice, and an investigation by a special…

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Weekly Review

Congress defied President Barack Obama and adjourned for the summer without passing a health-care-reform bill. The House Energy and Commerce Committee approved its own version of the bill 31-28 (with…

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From Harper’s, 2004: Scott Ritter on Scott Speicher From “Missing in Iraq: The United States has not found Scott Speicher either” by Scott Ritter in the June 2004 Harper’s. On…

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A Mozart Premiere, Delayed by Two Centuries

In 1864, Salzburg’s Mozarteum Foundation secured a collection of musical autographs known as “Nannerl’s Notebook”—long assumed to have been a collection of pieces assembled by Leopold Mozart for his daughter…

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Suckling’s The Invocation

Ye juster Powers of Love and Fate, Give me the reason why A lover crost And all hopes lost May not have leave to die. It is but just ;…

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Hobbes – How We Make the Future From the Past

No man can have in his mind a conception of the future, for the future is not yet. But of our conceptions of the past, we make a future; or…

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