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Video: happy Thanksgiving from PETA (“thank you for when they burn their tongues off when they’re still alive”; related slideshow: nasty-looking turkey substitutes);
the carbon cost of a turkey dinner;
editorial: this nation of gluttons doesn’t deserve to give thanks
(actually, the Thanksgiving calorie-count has gone down nearly 500 calories from 1956 [if you watch your portions]);
turkey-cooking safety myths;
Leslie Harpold on how to cook Thanksgiving dinner, 2003: (“About this time someone will call you in tears. The holiday is now officially under way.”);
baking the White House piecrust;
poem: “The Struggle Between Plenty and Thankfulness”
…my plate
heaped up
with six crows

(“I’m grateful for the laughter of children/The sun and the wind and the rain”) Related video: William S. Burroughs, “A Thanksgiving Prayer” (“Thanks for the wild turkey and passenger pigeons destined to be shit out through wholesome American guts. Thanks for a continent to despoil and poison.”); how to safely fry a turkey

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