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Samuel James at the Half King in New York City


Please join photographer Samuel James and Harper’s Magazine art director Stacey D. Clarkson on Tuesday, February 12, for a discussion of James’s work.

A Nigerian man working with a flashlight, manually tossing crude oil into burning pits to keep the refining process going. Photograph © Samuel James

Photographer Samuel James will be showing work from his series “The Water of My Land,” which focuses on the illegal fuel trade in the Niger Delta, at the Half King in the Chelsea neighborhood of Manhattan, from February 12 to April 7. James’s work was presented in a Portfolio in the September 2012 issue of Harper’s Magazine.

Please join Samuel and Harper’s art director Stacey D. Clarkson at the Half King on Tuesday, February 12, at 7:30 for a discussion of the stories and images from the series.

“An unexpectedly excellent magazine that stands out amid a homogenized media landscape.” —the New York Times
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