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[Harper's Finest]

Alice Munro’s “Train” (2012)


Our warmest congratulations to Alice Munro, winner of the 2013 Nobel Prize for Literature. 

April 2012

Walking along the railway track, as he often liked to do on a summer evening, her father was hit by a train. She and her mother had already gone to bed when it happened and Belle thought it must be a farm animal loose on the tracks, but her mother was moaning dreadfully and seemed to know first thing.

—Alice Munro, “Train”

Our warmest congratulations to Alice Munro, who this morning was awarded the 2013 Nobel Prize for Literature. Harper’s has published five of Munro’s stories since 2007: “Child’s Play,” “Fiction,” “Too Much Happiness,” “Pride,” and “Train,” which was shortlisted for the National Magazine Award for Fiction in 2012.

“Train” is available to all readers here, and Munro’s other pieces for Harper’s are available to subscribers here.

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