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December 1943 Issue [Article]

The Master of the Murder Castle

A classic of Chicago crime

1895 mugshot of Herman W. Mudgett, alias H. H. Holmes, “an old hand at corpse manipulation and insurance fraud.”


Viewed from the outside, the murder castle was simply a big ungainly building, one of the architectural monstrosities common in the nineties. But its interior, honeycombed with trap doors and secret passageways and walled-up rooms, was the fulfillment of every small boy’s dream of a haunted house.

If ever a house was haunted, that one on Chicago’s South Side should have been. To this day, fifty years later, nobody knows precisely how many persons were murdered in it.…

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December 1943

“An unexpectedly excellent magazine that stands out amid a homogenized media landscape.” —the New York Times
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