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February 2009 Issue [Article]

The Murder of Leo Tolstoy

A forensic investigation

The International Tolstoy Conference lasts four days and is held on the grounds of Yasnaya Polyana, the estate where Tolstoy was born, lived most of his life, wrote War and Peace and Anna Karenina, and is buried.

Once, when I was a graduate student, a paper of mine was accepted at the conference. At the time, my department awarded two kinds of travel grants: $1,000 for presenting a paper at an international conference or $2,500 for international field research. My needs clearly fell into the first category, but with an extra $1,500 on the line, I decided to have…

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is a writer in San Francisco.

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February 2009

“An unexpectedly excellent magazine that stands out amid a homogenized media landscape.” —the New York Times
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