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From internal reports sent by the FBI’s Office of Professional Responsibility, intended to “aid employees in steering clear of ethical pitfalls.” A selection of reports from the past three years was released by CNN in January.

An employee misused his credentials to gain entry into a nightclub; provided law-enforcement-sensitive information to his girlfriend, who was a news reporter; and, following their breakup, threatened his girlfriend with the release of a sex tape the two had made.

An employee failed to properly identify and secure materials on a thumb drive related to a child-pornography investigation. As a result, the material was inadvertently viewed by other FBI employees.

During a polygraph investigation, an employee acknowledged conducting unauthorized searches on FBI databases and sharing information with coworkers. For example, the employee searched FBI databases for information on public celebrities the employee thought were “hot.”

An employee, while intoxicated at an amusement park, was involved in a verbal dispute with teenagers, confronted their parents, and was then arrested for public intoxication. While at the detention facility, the employee repeatedly referred to his FBI employment, provided officers with the telephone number of the local FBI office, and, when he spoke to a fellow FBI employee, demanded that a member of senior management arrange for his immediate release.

An employee shoplifted two ties from a local retailer.

An employee drove past a felony traffic stop, yelled “Rodney King” out his car window, and momentarily lost control of his vehicle, swerving into the oncoming lane and almost striking a police officer. When two officers pulled the employee over, the employee immediately displayed his FBI credentials. During the administrative inquiry, the employee lacked candor by denying that he yelled “Rodney King” and claiming instead that he yelled “Geez Louise.”

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April 2011

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