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From a passage dated December 30, 1668, in the journal of Edward Montagu, first Earl of Sandwich, discovered earlier this year by Kate Loveman and partially quoted in The Journal of Social History.

The preparation for to Drinke Chocolatti is done severall ways viz:

1. Dissolve ye Chocolatti in cold water (with a little mill for ye purpose) and take off ye froth & putt it into a cupp by it selfe; After that, putt sugar to ye remainders and sett it on ye fire & when it is very hott, poure it upon the froth & soe Drinke it.

2 way. Heate water; And in a pot made for the purpose putt soe much chocolatti as shall be needful and a little of the water to it & with ye mill dissolve ye chocolatti very well and then putt more water & sugar to ye chocolatti and mix them well and Drinke it.

3 way. Putt ye Chocolatti in a little Pott with some water and heate it soundly until it be well dissolved. Then put more water and sugar into it and Boyle it until it have an oyly froth upon it, but it must not boyle overmuch, for then it will runn over out of ye pott and be lost. This way is more pleasing to ye tast, but more unholsome than ye others because it separates ye oyly parts of Chocolatty from ye Earthy; the oyly relaxings the stomack and takinge away ye appetite, and Earthy parts Causinge melancoly.

4 way. Which is most used in entertainments: for ye pleasure of ye Coldnesse; Dissolve ye Chocolatti in a little cold water with ye mill and take off ye froth which will be more in quantitye as ye Chocolatti is older & rottener. Then putt sugar into ye chocolatti that remains & mix it well & poure it out from a good height upon ye froth and soe Drinke it Cold. This way of Drinking is called Cacao, and by its Coldnesse doth many tymes cause a paine in the stomach, especially in weomon.

5t way. Take some water and heate it well, and as it stands over ye fire, putt in a Cake of chocolatti or some Chocolatti Scrapt. Then putt some sugar into ye pott, and whilst ye water is hott dissolve it well with the mill and drinke it. This is the Speediest way; most healthfull & most commonly used.

6t way. Prepare ye chocolatti as in ye 5t precedent and Then Putt ye vessel that hath ye Chocolatti in it into a Jaraffa of snow stirred together with some salt, & shaike ye snow together sometyme & it will putt ye Chocolatti into tender Curdled Ice & soe eate it with spoons, and eat also Naples Biskett alonge with it.

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December 2013

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