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September 2014 Issue [Report]

Kandahar’s Mystery Executions

Are the Afghan police using torture to achieve peace?

The first bodies were found early in the morning, after the call to prayer, in the tall reeds abutting the southern edge of Kandahar city. One was lying faceup, lower lip split, stab wounds to the face and stomach, a hole where the left eye had been. The second, a few yards away, had brown-black mottled skin and burnt hair. The third body’s neck was partially sawed through, and the face bore the same pattern of black scarring and singed hair. All three were handcuffed.

The next day, in Subdistrict 7, a working-class area to the north of the city,…

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’s article “Welcome to Free Syria” appeared in the August 2012 issue of Harper’s Magazine. His book No Good Men Among the Living was published in April by Metropolitan.

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