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July 2015 Issue [Readings]

Statistically Significant Others

From descriptions of sex-tracking apps included in “Quantified Sex,” an article by Deborah Lupton, an Australian sociologist, that was published in the April 2015 issue of Culture, Health & Sexuality.

Sex Partner Tracker: Users document number of partners, geographical location, and the frequency of sexual activity. The data then allows users to determine “who is the lover with the highest score within your region/world.” The app also purports to demonstrate who among its users have had sex with one another.

Sex Stamina Tester: Users place their smart device on their beds and measure sexual stamina (how long sex lasts). This app is obviously directed at men, but women are also encouraged to identify their partners’ “rank” among sexual athletes.

Enigma Sex Tracker: Directed at men but involves the use of data from female partners concerning ovulation and menstrual cycles. This data is inputted into a calendar along with frequency of sexual activity. According to the blurb, “Men do not always understand women,” and knowing more about their reproductive cycles will help determine when female partners are more likely to be “sexually receptive.”

Sexperience: Users keep records of how many sexual partners they have had. (“Sometimes you may sit and ponder the number, and wish you knew the exact amount just for personal satisfaction.”) Also allows users to record “how good” the experience was and how long it was and “generate all kinds of exciting and mathematical reports.”

Spreadsheets: Measures movement and sound levels. The app’s algorithms give statistical analyses of performance, providing a visual display of noise level, average thrusts per minute, and duration of intercourse. The description of a similar app, iBang, notes that it produces graphs visualizing the data collected, which, “for the brave,” can be shared to Facebook or Twitter.

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July 2015

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