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Percentage by which the number of international borders with barriers has increased since 2014: 48

Year in which the U.S. Census Bureau may add a category for people from the Middle East and North Africa: 2020

Percentage of immigrants seeking asylum who are successful in an Atlanta court: 2

In a New York City court: 84

Number of statues in New York’s Central Park that depict women: 19

Percentage of those statues that depict fictional women: 100

Number of Shakespeare’s plays that the Oxford University Press now co-credits to Christopher Marlowe: 3

Number of emoji acquired by New York’s Museum of Modern Art in October: 176

Percentage change since 2000 in the purchasing power of U.S. Social Security checks: –22

Average increase last year in monthly Social Security checks due to cost-of-living adjustments: $4

Portion of new U.S. parents who have taken a lower-paying job because it offered better family benefits: 1/2

Percentage of U.S. teachers who leave the profession each year: 8

Average percentage pay cut a U.S. worker would take to be able to work from home: 8

Average salary of a Harvard University cafeteria worker, including a raise given after a strike in October: $35,000

Total value of Harvard’s endowment: $35,700,000,000

Number of deaths in Japan attributed to overwork in 2015: 189

Percentage of donated organs in New England that came from victims of drug overdoses in 2010: 4

Today: 27

Number of years in prison to which an Indonesian woman was sentenced for poisoning a friend’s iced coffee: 20

Percentage by which the café has raised the price of its iced coffee since the murder: 37

Percentage change since 2003 in the number of bank heists in the United States: –46

In complaints of internet fraud: +131

Chance that an American adult is searchable in facial-recognition databases used by U.S. law-enforcement agencies: 1 in 2

Percentage of local U.S. jails that have implemented video visitation: 14

Portion of those jails that have abolished in-person visitation: 3/4

Number of African countries that opted to withdraw from the International Criminal Court last year: 3

Percentage of people charged by the International Criminal Court who are African: 97

Length, in years, of the maximum jail sentence under a proposed South African law criminalizing racial slurs: 10

Estimated number of gay and bisexual men whom the United Kingdom plans to posthumously pardon for sexual crimes: 50,000

Portion of the leaders of Scotland’s major political parties who are gay or bisexual: 3/5

Estimated portion of female parliamentarians worldwide who have been subject to physical violence while in office: 1/4

Number of members of the Pirate Party elected to the Icelandic parliament in October: 10

Number of hours after the first U.S. election polls closed that the Canadian Immigration Services website crashed: 5

Average percentage change in the stock value of the five largest U.S. defense contractors the week after the election: +8

Estimated number of votes by which Donald Trump won the state of Wisconsin: 27,000

Of registered Wisconsin voters who lacked voter identification: 360,000

Number of newly elected senators who are non-white females: 3

Year in which the U.S. population of eligible voters is projected to be majority minority: 2052

Number of men elected to the U.S. presidency before 2016 despite losing the popular vote: 4

Portion of those victors who went on to be one-term presidents: 3/4

January Index Sources

1 Élisabeth Vallet, Université du Québec à Montréal
2 U.S. Census Bureau (Suitland, Md.)
3,4 Executive Office for Immigration Review, U.S. Department of Justice (Falls Church, Va.)
5,6 New York City Department of Parks and Recreation
7 Gary Taylor, Florida State University (Tallahassee)
8 Museum of Modern Art (N.Y.C.)
9 Senior Citizens League (Barboursville, Va.)
10 Social Security Administration (Baltimore)
11 Bright Horizons Family Solutions (Watertown, Mass.)
12 Learning Policy Institute (Palo Alto, Calif.)
13 Amanda Pallais, Harvard University (Cambridge, Mass.)
14 Local 26 (Boston)
15 Harvard Management Company (Boston)
16 Scott North, Osaka University (Suita, Japan)
17,18 New England Organ Bank (Waltham, Mass.)
19 Central Jakarta District Court (Indonesia)
20 Olivier (Jakarta)
21,22 Federal Bureau of Investigation
23 Georgetown Law Center on Privacy and Technology (Washington)
24,25 Prison Policy Initiative (Los Angeles)
26,27 International Criminal Court (The Hague)
28 South Africa Department of Justice and Constitutional Development (Pretoria)
29 U.K. Ministry of Justice (London)
30 Stonewall Scotland (Edinburgh)
31 Inter-Parliamentary Union (Geneva)
32 Pirate Party (Reykjavík, Iceland)
33 Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (Ottawa)
34 NASDAQ (N.Y.C.)
35 Associated Press (Washington)
36 Leland Beatty (Austin, Tex.)
37 Center for American Women and Politics, Rutgers University (New Brunswick, N.J.)
38 Brookings Institution (Washington)
39,40 Gil Troy, McGill University (Montreal).

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January 2017

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