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Harper’s Index

Harper’s Index

Percentage of American renters who spend more than half their salary on housing : 28 Percentage change since 1996 in the price of U.S. higher education : +197 Of televisions : –96 Factor by which the…

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Harper’s Index

Number of countries that offer citizenship in return for an investment commitment : 23 Factor by which the average fee charged by migrant smugglers has increased since January : 3 Percentage of global refugees…

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Harper’s Index

Percentage of Americans who have used ride-hailing apps such as Uber and Lyft : 15 Who have never heard of them : 33 Amount the Saudi government has announced it will invest in Uber : $3,500,000,000…

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Harper’s Index

Minimum number of Beijing residents living in underground bomb shelters : 150,000 Percentage increase since 2014 in the annual number of reported labor strikes in China : 65 Minimum number…

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Harper‘s Index

Number of people executed for sorcery in Saudi Arabia since 2011 : 4 Age of an Afghan “war hero” assassinated by the Taliban earlier this year : 11 Number of refugee children who entered…

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Harper’s Index

Portion of calls to the IRS help line that went unanswered during last year’s tax-filing season : 3/5 Percentage of middle-aged, college-educated white Americans who are millionaires : 22 Of middle-aged, college-educated black Americans : 6…

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Harper’s Index

Percentage of refugees resettled in 2014 who were taken in by developing countries : 86 Amount in excess of which the cash assets of refugees will be seized under a proposed Danish…

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Harper’s Index

Percentage of likely Republican-primary voters who support shutting down U.S. mosques : 27 Number of days before the Iowa caucuses that Ted Cruz officially entered the presidential race : 314 Length in days of…

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Harper’s Index

Average age, in years, of the thirty most frequently played holiday songs : 61 Year when the youngest of these songs, Mariah Carey’s “All I Want for Christmas Is You,” was released : 1994…

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