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Percentage of income and wealth taxes in Norway, Sweden, and Denmark that are evaded each year : 3
That are evaded among those nations’ top 0.01 percent of earners : 30
“Treaty payment,” in Canadian dollars, that the government annually offers First Nations individuals : $5
Portion of Canada’s black population that lives in Greater Toronto : 1/2
Percentage of black Toronto men aged 25 to 44 who report having been stopped by police in public : 79
Factor by which the rate of imprisonment for indigenous Australians exceeds that for nonindigenous Australians : 13
Percentage of students at the top 30 U.S. law schools who are Asian-American : 10
Of elected prosecutors who are : 0.2
Percentage of judges working in New York State who do not have law degrees : 38
Amount awarded to Michael Brown’s family in their settlement against the city of Ferguson, Mo. : $1,500,000
To a Maryland family whose dog was killed by Anne Arundel County police : $1,260,000
Number of terrorism defendants who have been prosecuted by the Department of Justice since 9/11 : 807
Who have been tried and acquitted : 2
Estimated percentage by which the Chinese-engineered version of the Predator drone is cheaper than the U.S. version : 68
Value of military equipment that the Pentagon gave to a fictitious law enforcement agency created by the GAO : $1,200,000
Estimated portion of food-poisoning claims by British tourists at Spanish hotels that are fraudulent : 9/10
Amount such claims cost the Spanish tourism industry last year : $70,000,000
Estimated ratio of U.S. money spent on legal sports gambling to that spent on illegal sports gambling : 1:33
Estimated kilowatt-hours of energy consumed in June by Bitcoin-mining operations : 510,000,000
By Latvia : 528,000,000
Ratio of public hydrogen charging stations to hydrogen-powered vehicles in Germany : 1:10
Percentage of U.S. bridges that have been deemed by the Transportation Department to be in “poor” condition : 14
Percentage of daily U.S. bridge traffic that is over “poor” bridges : 21
Average number of hours that a driver in Los Angeles spends sitting in traffic each year : 104
That a driver in New York City spends looking for parking : 107
Factor by which average home price exceeds average yearly income in New York City : 7
In Shenzhen, China : 28
Percentage of D.C. residents making less than $50,000 a year who have marched in protest against Donald Trump : 16
Of residents making more than $100,000 : 50
Factor by which the gender pay gap in the White House has increased under Trump : 3.4
Number of states that offer pro-life license plates : 29
That offer pro-choice license plates : 3
Number of U.S. counties that have refused to issue licenses for same-sex marriages since the Supreme Court legalized them : 8
Number of those counties that are in Alabama : 8
Estimated portion of U.S. weddings at which the “Chicken Dance” is banned : 1/4
Portion of U.S. women who believe it’s inappropriate to have a work meeting alone with a man who is not their spouse : 1/4
Chances a U.S. divorce was initiated by a woman : 2 in 3
Percentage of U.S. pet-custody cases that involve dogs : 96
That involve cats : 1

October Index Sources

1,2 Gabriel Zucman, University of California, Berkeley
3 Niigaan Sinclair, University of Manitoba (Winnipeg)
4,5 Black Experience Project (Toronto)
6 Australian Bureau of Statistics (Melbourne)
7,8 Goodwin Liu (Oakland, Calif.)
9 New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct (Albany)
10 Octavia Pittman (Ferguson, Mo.)
11 Hansel Law, PC (Baltimore)
12,13 The Intercept (St. Petersburg, Fla.)
14 United States Air Force/U.S.–China Economic and Security Review Commission (Washington)
15 U.S. Government Accountability Office
16,17 Federation of Majorcan Hotels (Palma, Spain)
18 American Gaming Association (Washington)
19 Marc Bivand (St. Louis)
20 Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia (Riga)
21 H2 Mobility (Berlin)
22,23 U.S. Department of Transportation
24,25 INRIX (Washington)
26,27 CEIC Data (N.Y.C.)
28,29 Washington Post
30 American Enterprise Institute (Washington)
31,32 Guttmacher Institute (Washington)
33,34 Ballotpedia (Middleton, Wis.)
35 FiveThirtyEight (N.Y.C.)
36 Morning Consult (Washington)
37 Paula England, New York University (N.Y.C.)
38,39 American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (Omaha, Neb)

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October 2017

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