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December 2017 Issue [Report]

“I am Here Only for Working”

Conversations with the petroleum brotherhood in the UAE

But the exercise of labor is the worker’s own life-activity, the manifestation of his own life. . . . He works in order to live. He does not even reckon labor as part of his life, it is rather a sacrifice of his life.

 — Karl Marx

My American neighbors imagined the United Arab Emirates as a vacation spot, and those who liked Las Vegas might feel at home in, say, Dubai, which likewise offered air-conditioned venues separated by traffic and hot sand. One hotel in Abu Dhabi was famous for its lobby’s ATM, which dispensed gold bars, and what my countrymen…

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’s most recent book is The Dying Grass (Viking). His article “Invisible and Insidious” appeared in the March 2015 issue of Harper’s Magazine.

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December 2017

“An unexpectedly excellent magazine that stands out amid a homogenized media landscape.” —the New York Times
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