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July 2018 Issue [Readings]

Look Who’s Talking

From “Human Rights Record of the United States in 2017,” a report published in April by China’s State Council Information Office.

On April 20, the State Department of the United States released country reports on human rights practices, posing once again as the “guardian of human rights.” It continued to point fingers and cast blame on the domestic affairs of other countries as if it had the most perfect human rights conditions in the world. However, looking back on 2017, the United States itself showed deterioration.

Violent crime was on the rise. Ineffective gun control caused the growth of gun violence. Police abused their law-enforcement power. Racist hate crimes hit a record high. White-nationalist protesters sparked violent confrontations. Racial relations worsened. Minority groups had a lower employment rate and were paid less. The racial wealth gap became larger. Muslims suffered from discrimination and assault. The Guantánamo Bay detention camp continued to torture foreigners. Military operations in other countries caused heavy civilian casualties.

Democratic politics were weakening. Low-income voters faced severe barriers. The media was suppressed. Corruption scandals broke out. Sexual scandals of congressmen continued to happen. Women faced obvious discrimination in employment and career development. Rampant sex harassment contributed to a swarm of protests. The rich/poor divide expanded. Conditions remained precarious for people living in poverty. The life of the homeless was miserable. The government failed to control drugs and addictive medicine. The health care system was deeply flawed.

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July 2018

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