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Discussed in this essay:

Fully Automated Luxury Communism, by Aaron Bastani. Verso. 288 pages. $24.95.

Conscience: The Origins of Moral Intuitionby Patricia Churchland. W. W. Norton. 272 pages. $27.95.

The Dry Heart, by Natalia Ginzburg. Translated from the Italian by Frances Frenaye. New Directions. 96 pages. $12.95. 

Happiness, as Such, by Natalia Ginzburg. Translated from the Italian by Minna Zallman Proctor. New Directions. 240 pages. $15.95.

If there has ever been a historical moment apt to foster optimism of the intellect, right now would not appear to be it. So it’s heartening to see…

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June 2019

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