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December 2019 Issue [Reviews]

Autobiography of an Ex-Black Man

Thomas Chatterton Williams loses his race

Discussed in this essay:

Self-Portrait in Black and White, by Thomas Chatterton Williams. W. W. Norton. 192 pages. $25.95.

What a strange thing is “race,” and family, stranger still.
—Elizabeth Alexander, “Race”

“Empty Wall,” by Nick Meyer © The artist

“I’m the happiest I’ve ever been!” declares Wanda Sykes in her 2016 Epix special, What Happened . . . Ms. Sykes? As one of her fans, I was glad to hear it. As a member of a racially and culturally mixed family, I was particularly charmed to learn the circumstances of Sykes’s joy.…

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 is a professor of English and Critical Race and Ethnic Studies at the University of Vermont.

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December 2018

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