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Percentage of sexually active Americans who say that their “skills in the bedroom” have improved over the past year

: 57

Who say that 2019 was their “best year of sex”

: 44

Number of years by which the average age of a North or South American nation’s leader has increased since 1950

: 10.5

By which the average age of a European nation’s leader has decreased since then

: 2.5

Number of European nations whose leader is 45 years old or younger

: 15

Percentage of U.S. Protestants who have “a lot” of confidence in their clergy’s ability to provide useful parenting advice

: 49

Percentage by which the median length of U.S. black Protestant sermons exceeds that of U.S. Catholic homilies

: 286

Factor by which evangelical Christian sermons are likelier than those of other Christian traditions to include the phrase “eternal hell”

: 3

Average percentage of their fortunes that the twenty richest Americans gave to charity in 2018

: 0.8

Median amount owed by U.S. renters evicted between 2014 and 2016 for failing to pay rent

: $1,253

Percentage of those evicted who owed less than $500

: 12

Percentage of U.S. manufacturing jobs that required a bachelor’s degree in 1983

: 14

Projected percentage growth over the next year in the office-chair market

: 10

Chance that an American aged 19 to 34 is prediabetic

: 1 in 4

Average percentage by which an obese person contributes more carbon emissions than someone in the “normal-weight” range

: 20

Rank of SUVs among contributors to the increase in carbon emissions over the past decade

: 2

Percentage of total retail sales made in 2018 that were returned

: 10.6

Amount, in tons, of annual carbon emissions that can be attributed to retail returns

: 16,500,000

Percentage of American travelers who say they cut back on flying in 2019 for environmental reasons

: 38

Percentage of the world’s cities with populations over 500,000 that experience periodic water shortages

: 47

Number of people injured in a volcanic eruption in New Zealand in December

: 13

Amount of human skin, in square footage, subsequently ordered by New Zealand from the United States

: 516

Factor by which the portion of Americans dying at home has increased since 1972

: 2

Percentage of U.S. school districts in which the portion of Latino teachers equals or exceeds that of Latino students

: 0.1

Year in which the NFL first required teams to interview candidates of color for every available head coaching job

: 2003

Number of head coaches of color employed by the NFL at the time

: 3

Percentage by which men are more likely than women to frame research findings in top scientific journals with positive adjectives

: 21

By which the use of a positive adjective in a paper title or abstract increases subsequent citations in those journals

: 13

Percentage of Americans who think that the Chinese government is sometimes or very often a source of disinformation

: 36

Who think that CNN is

: 36

Number of fact-checking organizations that were active in 2014

: 103

Rank of Donald Trump among the most admired men in America

: 1
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