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December 2020 Issue [Reviews]

Flaws, Issues, Assassinations

The story of character
Colonel Robert Baden-Powell on his charger, Aconite © Look and Learn/Illustrated Papers Collection/Bridgeman Images

Colonel Robert Baden-Powell on his charger, Aconite © Look and Learn/Illustrated Papers Collection/Bridgeman Images


Flaws, Issues, Assassinations

The story of character

Discussed in this essay:

Character: The History of a Cultural Obsession, by Marjorie Garber. Farrar, Straus and Giroux. 464 pages. $32.

Throughout the United Kingdom, local authorities have eyes on their public statuary, nervous for the safety of racist city fathers and colonial movers such as Oliver Cromwell, Cecil Rhodes, and Winston Churchill (whose imperialist dodges are hardly recognized as such by many English people). Not long ago in Bristol, a late-Victorian bronze of the seventeenth-century slave trader and Tory parliamentarian Edward Colston was torn from its plinth by protesters and thrown into Bristol Harbour. Even the founder of…

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’s book In Pieces: Writings on Art, Etc. will be published in 2021.

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December 2020

“An unexpectedly excellent magazine that stands out amid a homogenized media landscape.” —the New York Times
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