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May 2021 Issue [Readings]

The Sorrows of Young Wörter

From a list compiled by the Leibniz Institute for the German Language of more than a thousand German words that have been coined since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Babyelefant, n.Unit of measurement for appropriate social distancing

Ellenbogengruss, n. A touching of elbows in greeting

Fussgruss, n. A touching of feet in greeting

Fieberambulanz, n. Facility for patients with COVID-19

Geisterküche, n. Ghost kitchen; a restaurant without eat-in dining

Hamsteritis, n. A compulsion to hoard supplies such as toilet paper

Impfdrängler, n. One who receives a vaccine before others of higher priority

Impfneid, n. Jealousy of people who have been vaccinated

Isolationseinerlei, n. The monotony experienced during extended periods of isolation

Kuschelkontakt, n. Cuddle contact; a person within one’s quarantine bubble

Lockdownspeck, n. Weight gained during a period of quarantine

Maskomat, n. A machine that dispenses masks

Nacktnase, n. Naked nose; a person whose mask only covers their mouth

Niesscham, n. The torment one feels when needing to sneeze in public

Pandemiezirkus, n. Stressful living conditions during the pandemic

Schlafschaf, n. Sleeping sheep; sheeple, those who don’t believe conspiracy theories

Schnellshopper, n. A fast shopper

Schniefscham, n. The torment one feels when sniffling in public

Spuckwand, n. Spit wall; a barrier to prevent the exchange of air particles

Todesküsschen, n. Little kiss of death, a reference to the risk of coronavirus transmission via traditional cheek-kiss greetings

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May 2021

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