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October 2021 Issue [Report]

To Be a Field of Poppies

The elegant science of turning cadavers into compost
Clear Cut (detail), by Dustin Yellin. All artwork © The artist. Artwork photographed by Martyna Szczęsna

Clear Cut (detail), by Dustin Yellin. All artwork © The artist. Artwork photographed by Martyna Szczęsna


To Be a Field of Poppies

The elegant science of turning cadavers into compost

Amigo Bob Cantisano didn’t think he was going to die. But his wife, Jenifer Bliss, who had cared for him through eight years of throat cancer, could see that his condition had taken a turn for the worse. The tumor in his neck had imploded, leaving an open wound that Jenifer kept clean and dressed. Little by little, it was growing toward his carotid artery. The doctors warned he could bleed out any day.

“I believe your spirit will live on,” she told him, “but your body isn’t doing so good. It’s important to talk about what you want.”

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