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April 2022 Issue [Reviews]

Who Killed Louis Le Prince?

On the forgotten father of film
Stills from Roundhay Garden Scene, October 1888, by Louis Le Prince © The Board of Trustees of the Science Museum, London. Courtesy Science Museum Group

Stills from Roundhay Garden Scene, October 1888, by Louis Le Prince © The Board of Trustees of the Science Museum, London. Courtesy Science Museum Group


Who Killed Louis Le Prince?

On the forgotten father of film

Discussed in this essay:

The Man Who Invented Motion Pictures: A True Tale of Obsession, Murder, and the Movies, by Paul Fischer. Simon and Schuster. 416 pages. $28.99.

On the morning of October 14, 1888, Louis Le Prince set up a heavy wooden box in the garden of his father-in-law’s small manor house on the outskirts of Leeds. The box was made of Honduran mahogany, burnished to a soft sheen, and stood on splayed applewood legs with iron fixtures. Le Prince turned the brass crank and began filming. The surviving footage is so mundane that it takes…

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 is the author of Retreat: The Risks and Rewards of Stepping Back from the World. His most recent article for Harper’s Magazine, “Critic at Large,” appeared in the July 2018 issue.

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April 2022

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