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May 2022 Issue [Essay]

In the Land of Living Skies

Reacquainting ourselves with the night
Design for The Magic Flute: The Hall of Stars in the Palace of the Queen of the Night, by Karl Friedrich Thiele after Karl Friedrich Schinkel

Design for The Magic Flute: The Hall of Stars in the Palace of the Queen of the Night, by Karl Friedrich Thiele after Karl Friedrich Schinkel


In the Land of Living Skies

Reacquainting ourselves with the night

A few years ago, my relationship to darkness had turned a bit fanatical. I was living on the Canadian Prairies in Regina, Saskatchewan, and I’d found my way into a regimen of extreme early rising. Waking each day sometime after midnight but well before the suggestion of dawn, I would drape myself in a hooded fleece cape, light a votive as thick as my forearm, and carry it like a torch as I puttered importantly around the kitchen, arriving at my desk to scribble longhand as if engaged in some form of monastic cosplay.

My obsession with the smallest…

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