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July 2022 Issue [Readings]

The City That Never Sleeps

From complaints received by New York City’s 311 helpline between February 2021 and February 2022.

My neighbor is having loud sex and has kept me up for two days straight.

A sex machine goes off every ten minutes. The sound is reminiscent of a car starting.

I am a Christian woman. Help this girl stop having loud sex before God does.

She moans like a mangy hyena and slams the bed against the wall.

He keeps shouting that he is a sexual tyrannosaurus. Please make him stop.

He took the Rhino pill from the gas station, and he has been having sex nonstop since 8 pm. I’m trying to get some rest. I have breakfast with my mother-in-law in the morning.

They’re having sex in lobby. He is flexing like American Psycho and she is bent over laughing. Please address.

There’s an orgy going on in the backyard, boobs and penises being flashed. People yelling and shouting. I have work tomorrow.

I hear moaning, screaming, pounding, slapping. I have the TV on, and still can hear them. But it’s that I can feel their actions that is the most disturbing. Their pounding travels directly into my bed and sofa. I have stayed in a hotel just to get proper sleep and peace. This is out of control. My blood pressure has risen to “high” for the first time.

It’s hard for a lonely neighbor to get a good night’s sleep.

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July 2022

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