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May 2023 Issue [Memoir]

The Anatomy of Panic

A personal history of anxiety

Illustrations by Virginia Mori


The Anatomy of Panic

A personal history of anxiety

I had my first panic attack when I was fifteen, in the middle of January, while I was sitting in geometry class. Winter in Illinois, flesh comes off the bones—what did we need geometry for? We could look at the naked angles of the trees, the circles in the sky at night. At noon we could look at our own faces. All the basic shapes were there, in bone. Bright winter sun turns kids skinless. Skins them. But there we were in geometry class. The teacher also taught physics. He was grotesquely tall. Thin. He’d demonstrate the angles with…

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 lives near Cleveland. The tenth-anniversary edition of his memoir White Out was published in March by McNally Editions.

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May 2023

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