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January 2024 Issue [Reviews]

Sex and Grue in Ancient Rome

On Mary Beard’s lives of the Caesars
A seventeenth-century map of the Roman Empire © akg-images

A seventeenth-century map of the Roman Empire © akg-images


Sex and Grue in Ancient Rome

On Mary Beard’s lives of the Caesars

Discussed in this essay:

Emperor of Rome: Ruling the Ancient Roman World, by Mary Beard. Liveright. 512 pages. $39.99.

If men think about the Roman Empire all the time, they do not do it under conditions of their own making. For over twenty years, men, and also women, have thought about the history of ancient Rome under conditions shaped by Mary Beard. As a Cambridge professor, a regular guest on the BBC, a best-selling writer, and the classics editor of the Times Literary Supplement, she is the most prominent classicist in Britain, with one of the largest readerships…

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 lives in London. His most recent article for Harpers Magazine, An Hallucinated Man, appeared in the September 2022 issue.

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January 2024

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