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June 2024 Issue [Miscellany]

The Prophet Who Failed

After the apocalypse that wasn’t
Illustrations by Leland Foster

Illustrations by Leland Foster


The Prophet Who Failed

After the apocalypse that wasn’t

Like many, I had assumed that her name, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, was an alias or affectation. Given what I knew of her—of the strange books she wrote, of the strange church she led—it seemed a little on the nose. But in fact it was her actual married name: her second husband, Mark, came from a long line of Prophets, and Elizabeth—his soulmate, his twin flame—remained one long after his death. In a way, her first name belonged to him, too. As a child, she went by Betty Clare; Mark preferred Elizabeth, so Elizabeth she became. But Betty was how…

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 is a writer and teacher living in Philadelphia. This article is part of a series supported by the John Templeton Foundation.

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June 2024

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