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May 2024

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Photographs by Nikita Teryoshin, whose book Nothing Personal: The Back Office of War was published in February by GOST Books and whose work is on view this month at the Light Leaks Festival in Luxembourg. Left: “A South Korean officer watching the air show by the aerobatic Black Eagles air-force team flying KAI T-50B Golden Eagle jets, ADEX, Seoul, 2017.” Right: “The red carpet, DEFEXPO, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India, 2020.”

© The artist. Courtesy GOST Books

Black Quantum Physicists (Duppy for Delacroix), a painting by Firelei Báez, whose work is on view this month at the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, in Humlebæk, Denmark.

© The artist. Courtesy the artist and James Cohan Gallery, New York City

The Elephant in the Room, a painting by Katie Butler, whose work is on view this month in the exhibitions Moreover: 50 Paintings, at the Green Gallery, in Milwaukee, and Serving Gluttony, at Unit, in London.

© The artist. Courtesy the artist and Hesse Flatow, New York City

Chorus, a mixed-media artwork (acrylic dispersion, pigment, chalk, and pencil on unstretched canvas) by Ella Walker, whose work was on view last month at Casey Kaplan Gallery, in New York City.

© The artist. Courtesy the artist and Casey Kaplan Gallery, New York City

Photographs by Jesse Lenz, from his book The Seraphim, which was published in March by Charcoal Press. The book is the second volume in his septology The Seven Seals.

 © The artist. Courtesy Charcoal Press

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May 2024

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