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Washington Babylon

Congress Cracks Down on Defense Fraud: But it was just by accident

From the Project on Government Oversight: Last week, the House inadvertently took a large step forward in protecting taxpayers from misbehaving contractors. The House passed the “Student Aid” bill that…

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Take Me to Your Leader

From Eric Spiegelman, via Politico: Ladies and gentlemen, your President is a robot. Or a wax sculpture. Maybe a cardboard cutout. All I know is no human being has a…

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The Acorn Fraud and the Media

Must read piece at Reason on the media’s response to the ACORN scandal. Highlight: One of the more convincing non-coverage defenses came from Austin American-Statesman Editor Fred Zipp (“First, it’s…

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Show Me the Money!

From the Washington Post: Democratic political committees have seen a decline in their fundraising fortunes this year, a result of complacency among their rank-and-file donors and a de facto boycott…

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The Splendors of War

From the Guardian: The number of former servicemen in prison or on probation or parole is now more than double the total British deployment in Afghanistan, according to a new…

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Like Condi, Hillary Offering Photo Ops for Dictators

Remember those awful pictures of George W. Bush’s secretary of state Condoleezza Rice embracing an assortment of corrupt, brutal energy-rich dictators? Now Hillary Clinton is offering precisely the same service.…

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Obama’s Likely Legacy: Failure in Afghanistan and Iraq

“Obama’s decision is complicated by a deepening domestic political divide and no guarantee of success whichever option he chooses,” the Washington Post wrote today in a story about Afghanistan. “One…

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Health Care Reform: Blue Dog Democrat Strikes it Rich

From ProPublica: Rep. Mike Ross — a Blue Dog Democrat playing a key role in the health care debate — sold a piece of commercial property in 2007 for substantially…

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Six Questions for Peter Maass on the Violent Twilight of Oil

Luke Mogelson contributed reporting for this interview. Peter Maass, a contributing writer at the New York Times Magazine, is the author of Crude World: The Violent Twilight of Oil, which…

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Booze for Rockets: An American contractor on the Iraqi black market

From ProPublica: Last spring, the U.S. diplomatic mission in Iraq got a makeover, replacing the scandal-plagued Blackwater private security company with a firm named Triple Canopy. The new $1 billion…

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Underage Prostitution, Gotcha Journalism, and the Ethics of the Acorn Sting

I’ve always admired the work of ACORN and thought right-wing attacks on the group bordered on the hysterical, but that was a terrific undercover sting mounted by the two young…

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News Flash: Fourteen members of congress as corrupt as Don Young

From Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington’s new report on the most corrupt members of congress: Rep. Young’s ethics violations stem from the misuse of his position to benefit…

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Doctor’s Lobby on Health Care Reform: Bend over, this won’t hurt a bit

From the Los Angeles Times: The American Medical Assn., after 60 years of opposing any government overhaul of healthcare, is now lobbying and advertising to win public support for President…

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Turkmenistan’s Friend in the Obama Administration

Before he was named as the administration’s special envoy on international energy, David Goldwyn advocated for closer ties to Stalinist Turkmenistan as head of the energy industry-endowed U.S.-Turkmenistan Business Council.…

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Not Reading the Health Reform Bill: Ignorance or bliss?

I was on NPR’s On The Media on Saturday to talk about conservative critics of the Obama administration’s health care reform bill who are arguing that legislation is being rushed…

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In Defense of Joe Wilson: Mark Slouka

Those of us at Harper’s appreciate rudeness no matter who is in charge. See this wonderful essay by Mark Slouka from June 2008: [S]urely one could argue that the American…

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The Lawnmower That Saved California

From the indispensable Center for Investigative Reporting: Soon after hijackers obliterated the World Trade Center towers eight years ago, Marin County received more than $100,000 in surveillance equipment to keep…

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Joe Wilson and the Belgian Arms Maker

First off let me say that I’m not picking on Congressman Joe Wilson of South Carolina because he called President Obama a liar. I’m all for the breakdown of political…

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Congressman Joe Wilson: Confederate General

From Facing South: Rep. Joe Wilson is getting his 15 minutes of national fame after bellowing “you lie!” during President Obama’s health care address last night. But Wilson earned notoriety…

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Shocking: Wall Street Journal loves the rich

From David Cay Johnston: This morning’s page-one Wall Street Journal story on incomes in America contains many bungled facts and concepts in a single sentence, giving a false impression about…

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“I Am Getting Into Spanking Her”: California Assemblyman’s hands-on lobbyist policy

From Wonkette: Republican Michael D. Duvall, a California state assemblyman representing Orange County, loves family values and ethics, and thus is a member of the Rules Committee…He enjoys telling his…

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Congressman Murtha’s Esteemed Colleagues

From the Center for Public Integrity: For months, a cloud has swirled around Congressman John Murtha (D-Pa.), chairman of the powerful House Appropriations Defense Subcommittee, and the relationship that Murtha…

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How the Fed Buys Top Economists (and Journalists)

From Huffington Post: The Federal Reserve, through its extensive network of consultants, visiting scholars, alumni and staff economists, so thoroughly dominates the field of economics that real criticism of the…

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Tea Party Death Express

From Lindsay Beyerstein: One of the featured corporate sponsors of the Tea Party Express had to pay millions of dollars to settle lawsuits for its role in a bus fire…

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The Dumbest Man in Washington D.C.

There may not be a bigger moron in Congress than Paul Broun of Georgia. His latest, as reported in the Athens Banner-Herald: U.S. Rep. Paul Broun is again raising the…

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Foreign Aid Making American CEOs Very Rich

From USA Today: Four chief executives whose government-funded non-profit corporations are paid to deliver U.S. foreign assistance earned more than half a million dollars in 2007, a USA TODAY review…

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Obama, Coups and Banana Republics

“Two months after he was overthrown in a coup, Honduras’s ousted president said Wednesday that he sees little progress in U.S.-backed negotiations aimed at restoring him to power and has…

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Reading Richard Cohen: A fate worse than waterboarding

Like Washington Post columnist Richard Cohen, I too am “torn between my desire for absolute security and my abhorrence of torture.” How can one solve this dilemma? Easy–cancel your subscription…

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