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Washington Babylon

The Great Oz Predicts

A bold prediction from James Pethokoukis of U.S. News & World Report (a double major in Soviet politics and American history and 2002 Jeopardy! champion, according to his bio), in…

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“He wanted to become a billionaire, and he wanted to do it in Kurdistan.” Meet Shlomi Michaels

Here’s a great investigative story about someone you’ve never heard of, but should know about. From Laura Rozen at Mother Jones: It’s the story of a man with a habit…

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Rathergate or CBS-gate?

From the New York Times: When Dan Rather filed suit against CBS 14 months ago — claiming, among other things, that his former employer had commissioned a politically biased investigation…

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Five Reasons Hillary Clinton Should Not Be Secretary of State

It looks like Barack Obama has offered Hillary Clinton the post of Secretary of State and she’s mulling over whether to take the job or not. Obama’s apparent offer makes…

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The Washington Post’s Principled Stand on Private vs. Public Schools

“Michelle Obama’s visits to two private schools and her inquiries about Washington’s public schools have sparked the inevitable public vs. private debate,” the Post said in an editorial today. “We…

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Biden’s “Intern” Nabs Lobbying Contract: Washington adjusts to the Obama Era

The Washington Post had two interesting pieces today about how Washington is responding to the election of Barack Obama. The first said that Obama’s election had “touched off a mini-boom…

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Familiar Faces Come on Board: Fannie Mae veteran on State Department transition team

The Washington Post reports that the “Obama transition team yesterday rolled out a new list of officials who will help guide the process, singling out the Treasury, Defense and State…

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Voter-Fraud Meme, Minnesota Edition

As Norm Coleman’s lead shrinks in the Minnesota Senate race (now down to 206 votes over Al Franken) his campaign’s claims of voter fraud have become more and more boisterous.…

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Who Should Obama Name As Intelligence Chief? (And, more importantly, does it matter?)

The Washington Post ran an article yesterday full of breathless speculation about whom Barack Obama would name to head key intelligence agencies. “The nation’s top two intelligence officers expect to…

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Martin Eisenstadt: America’s Best Pundit

There was a funny, well-executed hoax edition of the New York Times published yesterday, with a main headline of “IRAQ WAR ENDS.” Then this morning someone sent me an email…

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Potheads for Change

From The Agitator (via Andrew Sullivan): The latest absurdity to come out of the Office of National Drug Control Policy is an anti-pot PR campaign with the motto, “Hey, not…

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Six Questions for David Hendrickson on the Obama Administration, Banana Republics and Foreign Policy

David Hendrickson teaches international politics and American foreign policy in the Political Science Department at Colorado College. He is the author of numerous books and essays, including Peace Pact: The…

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Bailout Was Urgent, Oversight Not So Much

This is beyond pathetic. ABC reports: Lawmakers and the Bush administration frantically hammered out a gargantuan package to save the nation’s economy earlier this fall. But their efforts to recruit…

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Bailing Out Failure: The American way

I spoke today with a former government official who was appalled by Obama’s suggested emergency aid to the auto industry and by the Bush administration’s bail-out of the financial industry.…

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Who Got That $2 Trillion? Fed Won’t Tell

From Bloomberg: The Federal Reserve is refusing to identify the recipients of almost $2 trillion of emergency loans from American taxpayers or the troubled assets the central bank is accepting…

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Seventy-Six and Climbing: How high can Bush go?

From CNN: On the day that President-elect Barack Obama is visiting the White House, a new national poll suggests that the current occupant at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is the most…

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Add another $140 billion to bailout cost

From the Washington Post: The financial world was fixated on Capitol Hill as Congress battled over the Bush administration’s request for a $700 billion bailout of the banking industry. In…

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Bill Kristol: The columnist as campaign operative

From Scott Horton, posted at the Daily Beast: Was John McCain’s senior foreign policy advisor Randy Scheunemann fired for leaking sensitive information to his friend, the long-time McCain backer and…

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How Obama Won North Carolina

From Chris Kromm at Facing South: Here are six key factors that gave him the victory: 1 – Obama mobilized the base: Perhaps more than any other candidate could have,…

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News in Review: Uh-oh

Washington Post editorial: Mr. Emanuel is undoubtedly a partisan, but with centrist instincts. In his previous White House job, he oversaw President Bill Clinton’s effort to win passage of the…

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Palin and Africa

Sarah Palin may have been duped by two Canadian pranksters, and she may have spent a lot of the G.O.P.’s money on clothing, but is it really possible that she…

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Letter from Obama Supporter

On my posting this morning, in which I tried not to be cynical: I understand your cynicism about the money Obama took from the people you call (and rightly so)…

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On Obama, Without Cynicism

I’ve never been able to muster as much enthusiasm for Barack Obama as many of my friends, but I was happy to see him win last night. He was clearly…

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Punditry Made Easy

The Los Angeles Times has a nice web feature that allows you to predict the outcome of the presidential election, state by state. So here’s my prediction: Obama 311, McCain…

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What To Look For Tuesday Night: The evidence should be in early

All the available evidence suggests that Barack Obama should cruise to a comfortable margin of victory tomorrow night. “Based on interviews with political strategists in both parties, election analysts and…

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Former International Republican Institute President: McCain Supported Grants to Khalidi’s Group

One of the lowest moments of this entire campaign has been the McCain campaign’s repulsive smear job of Rashid Khalidi. The best remark about the whole episode came from Khalidi…

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Governor Palin, I’ve Got I.P. Freely On The Line For You

From the Associated Press: A Canadian comedy duo notorious for prank calls to celebrities and heads of state reached Sarah Palin, convincing the Republican vice presidential nominee that she was…

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Second Lawsuit Filed Against Senator Coleman’s Friend

From the Minneapolis Star-Tribune: A second lawsuit was filed Friday by minority shareholders who allege that a close family friend of Sen. Norm Coleman used a marine company in Texas…

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