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Washington Babylon

John McCain: The only man in America with reception for his iPhone

Assuming he has one. From the Washington Post: Early in 2007, just as her husband launched his presidential bid, Cindy McCain decided to resolve an old problem — the lack…

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Norm Coleman’s Denial and “Transparency”

I published a story last week that discussed Senator Norm Coleman’s cozy relationship with several of his campaign donors. Coleman’s office declined repeated requests for comment, but I said I…

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Electing Republicans: Your tax dollars at work

From the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform: A draft Committee report circulated by Chairman Waxman finds that in the months before the 2006 elections, the White House Office…

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A New Media Hero is Born: Just a few years too late

In recent days both the Washington Post and the New York Times have lionized Brooksley E. Born, who during her 1996 to 1999 tenure as head of the Commodity Futures…

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Did PBS Bury Torture Documentary?

From my colleague Scott Horton: This spring, PBS’s distinguished Frontline series aired a mildly critical account of the lead-up to the Iraq War entitled “Bush’s War.” As the airing of…

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Mark Foley’s Worthy Successor

From ABC News: West Palm Beach Congressman Tim Mahoney (D-FL), whose predecessor resigned in the wake of a sex scandal, agreed to a $121,000 payment to a former mistress who…

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New Third Party Candidate Threatens McCain

Not Bob Barr–it’s newcomer Joad Cressbeckler. This video was posted a few weeks back, but it’s especially timely now that Cressbeckler has begun threatening McCain’s core support among “grizzled and…

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More Smoke From Senator Coleman on His Shopping Habits

Senator Norm Coleman’s office continues to hedge when asked about his relationship with donor Nasser Kazeminy. provides some background: I had heard this allegation [about a businessman buying suits…

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When Challenged on Ethics, Sen. Coleman and Rep. Keller Blame the Bloggers

October 8: In a stellar display of political weaselry, Cullen Sheehan, campaign manager for Senator Norm Coleman, tells reporters that he will not “respond to unnamed sources on a blog,”…

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The Rumsfeld Fellows: Advanced degrees in bungled invasions

When last spotted, Professor S. Frederick Starr was snuggling up with Washington lobbyists employed by the Kazakh government. Starr, the one-time Soviet advisor to President Reagan who currently heads the…

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Urgent Business Opportunity: This one may be legit


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Senator Norm Coleman Gets by with a Little Help From His Friends

Senator Norm Coleman of Minnesota seems to enjoy mutually beneficial relationships with his financial contributors and political allies. Earlier this year, National Journal reported that he had a cozy deal…

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Department of Irony: Congress, lobbyists, and reporters toast “financial reform”

On November 8, 1999, a few months before the NASDAQ index peaked at 5132.52, The American Banker ran several short items in its “Washington People” column. The lead piece reported…

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Lowry’s Little Burst

Rich Lowry of National Review was highly impressed, even aroused, by Sarah Palin’s debate performance last night: And her smile. By the end, when she clearly knew she was doing…

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Book Event on “Turkmeniscam” in Washington

For readers in D.C., I’ll be at Politics and Prose Bookstore this Sunday to discuss and take questions on Turkmeniscam: How Washington Lobbyists Fought to Flack for a Stalinist Dictatorship.…

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Ifill on George Bush: “Part Tom Cruise, part Ronald Reagan”

I’ve already said that I can understand why some Republicans are complaining about Gwen Ifill being the moderator for tonight’s debate, even though the charges about Ifill’s partisanship are wildly…

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A Revival of Reverend Wright?

The Judicial Confirmation Network (JCN), a conservative independent group, is running new anti-Obama TV ads in battleground states that feature the Reverend Jeremiah Wright. “Obama chose as his pastor a…

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Ifill and Blather

“It is a blatant conflict of interest,” Bay Buchanan said on CNN last night. “There’s no question about that.” “She’s tough as nails right down the middle,” Paul Begala said…

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Lobbyists and Fred Starr Team Up to Promote Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan has been heavily criticized by international observers for its human rights violations, descriptions of which run to the horrifying and lurid, for its rigged elections, and for the fact…

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Striking Voters: If you look hard, you might see a pattern

From the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law: Election officials across the country are routinely striking millions of voters from the rolls through a process that is…

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Cheney Watch: Halliburton Bribery Investigation Proceeding in UK and US

A few weeks ago a former senior executive at Halliburton pleaded guilty to paying bribes to Nigerian officials to win a mammoth energy project in that country. The executive, Jack…

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Former CIA Official Cops Plea

From the Associated Press: A former executive director of the CIA has pleaded guilty to wire fraud as part of a plea bargain. Kyle “Dusty” Foggo was the number three…

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Will McCain Dump Palin? Not likely

When even some conservatives are calling for Sarah Palin to be replaced as John McCain’s running mate, you know she’s in serious trouble. But it’s unlikely that Palin will be…

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McCain Cronies Hit Jackpot with Gtech

“As a two-time chairman of the Indian Affairs Committee, Mr. McCain has done more than any other member of Congress to shape the laws governing America’s casinos,” the New York…

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Does the “Media Elite” Have It In For Sarah Palin?

Should the media be scrutinizing the record of Sarah Palin, who until a few weeks ago was the relatively unknown governor of Alaska? Yes. Does Palin’s general lack of political…

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Lousy Is As Lousy Does: McCain puts his finger on the economic problem

There didn’t seem to be any clear winner in last night’s presidential debate, which presumably is good for Barack Obama since he seems to be slightly ahead at this point.…

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Drill, Baby, Drill: Newt strikes it rich

From the Center for Public Integrity: Las Vegas casino tycoon Sheldon Adelson upped his ante in former House Speaker Newt Gingrich’s unregulated issues-advocacy group in August, with a $750,000 donation…

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Senator Robert Bennett: There’s no time to do this “right,” just give Wall Street the money

“I’ve spent the last few weeks talking to [Wall Street traders], and they want this money so badly—it’s an obsession,” Adam Davidson said last night during an NPR report. “Obviously…

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