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Washington Babylon

Hard Times for the G.O.P.: Leaked letter reveals pathetic financial conditions at party’s private club

Earlier this year I described my night at the Capitol Hill Club, the exclusive private watering hole for Republican elected officials and their supporters, primarily lobbyists. The club boasts a…

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Will Bush Administration Let Oil Companies Skate on Money Paid to African Dictator?

Exxon Mobil is quietly commemorating the biggest operating profit in U.S. corporate history, announcing last week that it had earned $11.7 billion during the second quarter. Here’s something else that…

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David Broder Tears Up Over Senator Stevens

In his Washington Post column today–one of thousands he has written over his career that end with a cry to end “partisan gridlock”–David Broder gets misty-eyed over the indictment of…

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So Long Ted Stevens, It’s Been Good to Know You: The Pork King’s finest moments

From Taxpayers for Common Sense: Senator Ted Stevens (R-AK) earned his status as longest-serving member of the U.S. Senate by keeping not only his home renovator well-fed from the pork…

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New York Governor: I’ve got a bridge to sell you — literally

From the New York Post: Warning of an approaching economic calamity, Gov. Paterson yesterday called an emergency session of the state Legislature – and raised the specter that New York…

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Senator Ted Stevens: A trip down memory lane

You can read all you want elsewhere about today’s indictment of Senator Ted Stevens. The only thing I want to note here is the news in the indictment that Stevens…

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McCain Advisor’s Track Record on Iraq Unblemished by Success

From TPMMuckraker: It’s kind of astonishing that McCain continues to be taken seriously on Iraq when his closest adviser has a track record on the issue as atrocious as [Randy]…

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Richard Perle: War for fun and profit

From the Wall Street Journal: Influential former Pentagon official Richard Perle has been exploring going into the oil business in Iraq and Kazakhstan, according to people with knowledge of the…

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Obama’s Money: Not all of it coming from those beloved small donors

Much has been made of Barack Obama’s success in raising large sums of money from many small donors. But when you’ve already raised at least $340 million (well above the…

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Tax Shirkers for McCain/Lieberman?

“Peter Lowy, the son of Australian billionaire Frank Lowy, appeared early Friday before a U.S. Senate subcommittee investigating ways the ultra-wealthy use tax havens to avoid paying taxes,” Forbes reported…

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Los Angeles Times to be Written Entirely by Computer

According to one extremely reputable source, things are even worse at the Times than previously thought: For the 23rd time in 18 months, the Los Angeles Times is losing its…

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Congressman Roscoe Bartlett: Practicing what he preaches

Congressman Roscoe Bartlett of Maryland hates taxes. A few years back, he signed on to a Republican Liberty Caucus Position Statement that called for a total overhaul of the tax…

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Performance Bonus? Top Officials at Bailed out Fannie and Freddie Rake in Millions

Today the Washington Post published its annual survey of executive compensation, and reported that while the Washington, D.C., area’s “growing financial sector was one of the first to feel the…

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Orange County’s Little Sheriff

From the Washington Post, in a story about Michael S. Carona, who during his glory days “appeared to personify the righteous virtue of Orange County, the famously conservative bastion that…

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Feeling John McCain

A picture really is, sometimes, worth a thousand words.

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Curt Weldon Pal Pleads Guilty

From the Philadelphia Inquirer: A close friend of former U.S. Rep. Curt Weldon pleaded guilty today to destroying records soon after the FBI interviewed her about the congressman. Cecelia M.…

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More on Dow 36,000

Reader William Young comments: Regarding your article about the Dow, the more relevant numbers to quote would be from about 9 months later when the peak of the tech stock…

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Dow 11,349.28

James Glassman and Kevin Hassett published Dow 36,000: The New Strategy for Profiting from the Coming Rise in the Stock Market on September 20, 1999, an event which almost immediately…

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Slate’s Guide to Administration Lawbreaking and Future Prosecutions

Slate has produced a very handy interactive guide for people trying to keep track of Bush Administration scandals and potential future prosecutions: What kind of lawbreaking has happened on President…

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Why You Don’t Like David Brooks, Explained

From Jim Sleeper: Brooks, a self-described conservative and sometime practitioner of “comic sociology,” author of On Paradise Drive and inventor of the all-American working-class type “patio man,” knows he has…

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Another Reason to Be Skeptical of the Sierra Club

If you missed it Monday night, check out Stephen Colbert’s interview with Sierra Club Executive Director Carl Pope. Pope really does hug trees — and talk to polar bears. And…

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Another Reason to Be Skeptical of Yoga

Via Laura Rozen: A link to Radovan Karadzic’s website, under his alias of Dragan Dabic. After Russia, Dr. Dabic travelled around India and Japan, after which he settled in China…

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Congress to Look at Price Gouging on Drugs Used to Treat Children

From Portfolio: Trevor Foltz was six months old last fall, fresh off a visit to Disney World in Orlando, when the spasms first began. Healthy until that point in his…

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Corruption in Kazakhstan? My last illusions are shattered

The Wall Street Journal has been running a terrific series of articles about corruption and human rights abuses in Kazakhstan, which the newspaper describes as “a strategic U.S. friend and…

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Vital Strategic Debate at Air Force: What color leather for our comfort capsules?

From the Project on Government Oversight (POGO): While elements of the Air Force brass were bickering about color coordination for their new comfort capsules, troops have sat for hours on…

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Congress and Menthols

From a reader: “This might be the sickest, slickest thing to come out of Congress since the Dems took over, and, I think, something that Henry Waxman is losing a…

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Gary Condit: All I did was lie about my affair with a murdered woman and the media won’t leave me alone

The Washington Post is running a 12-part series on the unsolved 2001 murder of Chandra Levy. Then-Congressman Gary Condit became a suspect in the case, in part because after she…

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Waterboarding and the Waverly Inn

Leon Wieseltier on Hitchens and waterboarding: Just some weeks ago Christopher Hitchens and his camera-ready conscience went and got themselves waterboarded for the pages of Vanity Fair, which are anyway…

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