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Percentage of Americans who said in 1995 that immigration should be reduced

: 65

Number of pregnant women jailed in the United States for immigration violations in 2018

: 2,098

Portion of new U.S. military recruits who have a parent who served 

: 1/4

Amount that the United States has spent on reconstruction in Afghanistan since 2001 

: $137,000,000,000

Amount, adjusted for inflation, that it spent on reconstruction in Europe after World War II 

: $135,000,000,000

Percentage of U.S. Protestant churches with security protocols that involve armed church members

: 45

Number of pets owned by the average American who attends religious services once a week or more

: 1.35

By the average American who never attends religious services

: 1.95

Percentage by which the number of cosmetic surgeries performed on U.S. men has increased in the past two decades 

: 35

Estimated percentage of American men who have undergone such surgeries

: 2

Of male tech workers in Silicon Valley who have

: 7

Percentage of 401(k) plans that have at least one fund committed to environmental, social, or governmental responsibility

: 2.9

Average percentage by which a U.S. hedge fund run by a woman or person of color outperforms one run by a white man 

: 72

Percentage of U.S. adults in households earning less than $35,000 who express dissatisfaction with their lives

: 18

Of U.S. adults in households earning at least $500,000 who do

: 0

Percentage of people worldwide who believe capitalism “does more harm than good in the world”

: 56

Number of lobbyists that Amazon employed in 2010

: 8

Amount that Amazon has spent on lobbying since 2010 

: $80,000,000

Estimated amount that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s wedding generated for the British economy 

: $1,300,000,000

Percentage increase since 2011 in funding for the official duties and property of Queen Elizabeth II 

: 67

Estimated amount the U.K. spends annually on “legal costs to maintain royal secrecy” 

: $250,000

Number of employees in the Northern Ireland Civil Service 

: 23,000

Number of U.K. civil servants working on Brexit 

: 27,500

Percentage change since 1992 in the share of Taiwan residents who identify as Taiwanese

: +223

Estimated minimum amount China spends each year on international propaganda and influence operations 

: $10,000,000,000

Factor by which spending on the distribution of China Daily in the United States has increased over the past decade 

: 7

Percentage of Nigerians who get their news from Chinese state television 

: 8

Who get their news from Nigeria’s national broadcasting agency 

: 7

Estimated percentage by which the number of U.S. podcast listeners increased between 2015 and 2019 

: 88

By which podcast advertising revenue increased

: 542

Portion of items reported missing last year from the New York City subway system that were headphones

: 1/4

Percentage of U.S. entry-level employees who sometimes or always feel that “no one really knows them well”

: 65

Of U.S. senior executives who feel so

: 70

Percentage of Americans aged 18 to 24 who believe in soul mates

: 54

Of Americans over 55 who do

: 55

Rank of the United States among countries with the highest rates of immigrant children in detention

: 1

Amount per hour that the company People Walker charges for an “on-demand walking partner”

: $14
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