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Percentage change since 2001 in the number of personal-injury lawsuits filed against New York City police officers

: +97

Percentage of Pakistanis who hold a favorable opinion of China and of the United States, respectively

: 84, 16

Number of nuclear reactors currently under construction in China

: 23

Date on which the only confirmed survivor of both the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic-bomb attacks died

: 1/4/2010

Number of Medals of Honor awarded to U.S. soldiers in World War II

: 464

Percentage of all countries that hold “prisoners of conscience,” according to Amnesty International

: 30

Percentage of G-20 countries that do

: 42

Price of an I ? DPRK FOOTBALL onesie from a North Carolina sports-apparel company

: $12.99

Percentage of Israeli Jews in an April survey who said Israel allows “too much freedom of expression”

: 50

Percentage who thought churches should be required to report illegal immigrants

: 33

Chance that a U.S. criminologist thinks abolishing the death penalty would increase the murder rate

: 1 in 10

Number of U.S. states that have eased restrictions on Sunday alcohol sales since the beginning of the recession

: 5

Number of U.S. states where it is legal for employers to discriminate on the basis of physical appearance

: 49

Percentage of gay marriages performed in Iowa that have been between residents of the state

: 40

Percentage of unmarried American men over 45 who use condoms when they have sex

: 29

Chance that a sexually active U.S. teenage boy would be “pleased” if he “got a female pregnant”

: 1 in 5

Chance that a teenage girl has used the rhythm method for contraception

: 1 in 6

Percentage of U.S. Catholics who believe there is “spiritual energy” in trees and mountains

: 29

Percentage who believe in the “evil eye”

: 17

Percentage of all U.S. personal income last year that came from wages and government programs, respectively

: 52, 17

Number of politicians who accepted more in donations from BP during that period

: 0

Factor by which BP’s 2010 first-quarter profits exceed its $75-million liability cap for the Gulf oil spill

: 75

Percentage of “willful” violations by U.S. oil refiners since 2007 that occurred at BP plants, according to OSHA

: 97

Percentage of stock-dividend payments made by British companies last year that were from BP

: 12

Percentage of all U.S. derivatives that are currently held by five finance firms

: 97

Projected amount U.S. state and local governments will lose this year on interest-rate swaps with banks

: $1,600,000,000

Estimated amount the Greek government will lose due to tax evasion

: $18,000,000,000

Percentage of their personal income Americans paid in taxes last year

: 17

Last year in which Americans paid so little

: 1971

Total campaign contributions Barack Obama received from BP between 2004 and 2009

: $77,051

Number of years since record keeping began in 1929 that these figures have been so low and so high, respectively

: 0

Percentage change since 2007 in the hourly wage of an American man with a postgraduate degree

: +26

Percentage change since 2007 in the median wealth of white Americans and African Americans, respectively

: ???34, ???77

Minimum number of African Americans running as Republicans in this year’s congressional elections

: 32

Last year in which an African-American Republican was elected to the House

: 2001

Number of immigrants deported during George W. Bush’s first year as president

: 116,782

Number deported during Obama’s first year

: 387,790

Percentage of Americans in a May survey who thought hiring an illegal immigrant should be a criminal offense

: 73
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