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Minimum number of U.S. colleges that allow household pets to live in student dormitories

: 6

Percentage of seafood consumed in the United States that is imported

: 83

Number of Americans who have died since 1998 from drinking unpasteurized milk

: 2

Estimated number of U.S. children hospitalized last year after hurting themselves on monkey bars, swings, or slides

: 173,000

Number of U.S. states that applied for federal education funds in the first round of President Obama’s “Race to the Top” program

: 40

Number that have received funds

: 2

Number of public-school jobs that have been lost in the past year

: 85,700

Chances that a public school district plans to increase class sizes in the coming school year

: 3 in 5

Percentage of American 16- and 17-year-olds who use text messaging who say they do so while driving

: 34

Number of federal environmental-impact study exemptions granted to oil and gas companies in the Gulf since the BP oil spill

: 33

Minimum number of dogs killed in Baghdad between April and July as part of a government anti-stray campaign

: 58,000

Days it took to try, convict, and execute a man who killed eight schoolchildren last April in Nanping, China

: 36

Price paid at a June auction for the Checker Cab Lee Harvey Oswald used as a getaway car

: $35,750

Number of New York City bus drivers who filed an assault report last year after being spat on by a passenger

: 51

Average number of days of paid leave taken by the drivers to recover from the assault

: 64

Number of prisoners at the U.N. detention center in The Hague who have fathered children while awaiting trial for war crimes

: 2

Estimated number of cases pending in India’s court systems

: 30,000,000

Number of people in India who currently have access to a mobile phone

: 617,500,000

Number who have access to a toilet

: 366,000,000

Percentage change in new-home sales in the month after a federal first-time homebuyer program expired in April

: ???33

Estimated number of U.S. states that will hold less than 1 percent of their annual spending in reserve this year

: 14

Number of U.S. states whose pension plans were fully funded in 2000

: 26

Projected change since last year in the amount of money states receive from corporate taxes

: ???$2,500,000,000

Pages of documents Goldman Sachs has submitted since May to the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission

: 2,500,000,000

Number of days federal investigators have been given to review all the documents before issuing their final report

: 209

Median bond rating for U.S. corporations in 1981 and 2009, respectively

: A, BBB???

Percentage of all campaign donations from securities and investment firms that went to Democrats in 2009

: 61

Number of U.S. states with a projected 2011 budget shortfall of at least 10 percent

: 31

Number of prison inmates who received tax credits under the program

: 1,295

Number of them serving life sentences

: 241

Price that Xe Services, formerly known as Blackwater, charges for a two-day “Home Defense” course

: $400

Number of people on the federal terrorism watch list who have undergone background checks to purchase guns or explosives

: 650

Chances that they were allowed to buy their weapons

: 9 in 10

Average annual government expenditures since 2005 on military research and development

: $77,000,000,000

Value of the fuel contracts awarded to BP by the Pentagon last year

: $2,200,000,000

Rank of BP among the largest fuel suppliers to the Defense Department

: 1
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