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Percentage by which the known investments of Democrats in Congress and their spouses outperformed the S&P 500 in 2023

: 28

By which those of Republicans in Congress and their spouses underperformed it

: 38

Portion of U.S. adults who say that rule by a panel of unelected experts would be a good way to govern the country

: 1/2

Portion who say they have at some point wanted to be president

: 1/4

Portion who think they themselves would be a worse president than Donald Trump

: 1/5

Who think they would be as good as him or better

: 3/5

Percentage of likely Trump voters who believe that he has committed serious federal crimes

: 18

Percentage of U.S. adults who say that crime is the most important issue to them in the 2024 election

: 3

Who say that foreign policy is

: 1

Percentage increase since November in the portion of U.S. adults who say that the country should be more engaged globally

: 29

Percentage of U.S. adults who say they want Russia to win the war in Ukraine

: 7

Percentage who say they are concerned to any degree about China’s treatment of Uighurs

: 62

Percentage of U.S. adults who consider North Korea to be the greatest enemy of the United States

: 4

Percentage who consider the United States to be its own greatest enemy

: 5

Percentage of black U.S. adults who say that the government promotes birth control and abortion to limit the black population

: 51

Who say that the government encourages single motherhood for black women to eliminate the need for black men

: 55

Who say that U.S. medical professionals today perform experiments on black people without their knowledge or consent

: 55

Who say that the country’s media intentionally holds back black people

: 52

Estimated percentage of newspaper-publisher employees in the United States in 2000 who were employed by the New York Times

: 1

Who were employed by the New York Times in 2023

: 6

Percentage of U.S. adults who say that news from The New Yorker is trustworthy or very trustworthy

: 25

Who say that news from the New York Post is

: 27

Percentage of U.S. adults who think that other people should apologize more often

: 46

Who think that they themselves should apologize more often

: 11

Percentage increase in road-rage shooting incidents in the United States since 2014

: 453

Portion of road-rage shooting incidents in that period that occurred in Texas

: 1/5

Percentage increase in dog attacks on postal workers in the United States reported over the past year

: 9

Percentage increase in such attacks reported in Los Angeles

: 35

Percentage of U.S. adults who have chosen not to call an ambulance during a medical emergency because of the potential cost

: 23

Estimated percentage of leading U.S. cancer treatment centers experiencing shortages of at least one chemotherapy drug

: 89

Portion of U.S. adults who contracted COVID-19 between 2020 and 2023 who did not recover within three months

: 1/5

Percentage of U.S. funerals in 2005 in which the remains of the deceased were cremated

: 32

Percentage in 2023 in which the remains of the deceased were cremated

: 61

Percentage of married U.S. adults who believe in the concept of true love

: 75

Who say they have found true love but not with their current spouse

: 10

Percentage of U.S. adults who describe themselves as realists

: 47

Who describe themselves as freethinkers

: 36

Who describe themselves as idealists

: 16
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