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September 2024

Harper’s Magazine welcomes reader response.

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“Flag Raising,” a photograph by Debi Cornwall, whose book Model Citizens was published last month by Radius Books. The French edition, Citoyens modèles, was also published in August, by Éditions Textuel.

© The artist. Courtesy Radius Books

View from my childhood window, a painting by Mason Owens, whose work was on view in July at Steven Zevitas Gallery, in Boston.

Courtesy the artist and Steven Zevitas Gallery, Boston

Lost Highway, a painting by Charlie Roberts, whose work was on view in July at
Nino Mier Gallery, in Brussels.

© The artist. Courtesy the artist and Nino Mier Gallery

Clockwise from top left: “N31°41.9499' E035°12.4172',” “N31°42.3821' E035°10.7743',” “N31°31.4323' E035°06.1471',” and “N31°42.6640' E035°13.1423',” photographs by Adam Broomberg and Rafael Gonzalez, from their book Anchor in the Landscape, which was published in May by MACK.

© The artist. Courtesy the artist and MACK

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September 2024

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