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Seven Steps to Heaven

The voice: on Jon Fosse’s Septology Read More
Publisher’s Note


Would Henri Alleg’s La question have been published—would it have seen the light of day—without Jérôme Lindon’s moral fortitude? Read More
Weekly Review

Weekly Review

Sri Lanka’s president demoted the country’s health minister, who advocated for sorcery as a treatment for COVID-19. Read More
Weekly Review

Weekly Review

Dozens of articles written by the co-founder of the fact-checking site Snopes were taken down after an investigation revealed that he had serially plagiarized BuzzFeed. Read More

Men in Dark Times

The banality of misreading Hannah Arendt’s The Origins of Totalitarianism Read More
Publisher’s Note

The Fall of Baghdad

The United States must decide who gets left behind Read More
Weekly Review

Weekly Review

Three people were injured when an iceberg collapsed at Tennessee’s Titanic Museum Attraction. Read More

Waterlog and Green Green Green

Surf and turf: Leanne Shapton on Roger Deakin’s swimming memoir and Gillian Osborne on her wild essay collection Read More
Weekly Review

Weekly Review

The Thai government banned frightening news. Read More

Home Country

False cognates: on the diversity and shared experiences within the Latino community Read More
Weekly Review

Weekly Review

Researchers developed a test that can detect a type of brain tumor in urine. Read More
Weekly Review

Weekly Review

“We just call it the variant,” said the CEO of Delta Air Lines, speaking of the Delta strain of the coronavirus. Read More

A Complicating Energy

I never knew I needed you: the detrimental effects of isolation and the importance of strangers Read More
Publisher’s Note

Toe the Line

“I get impatient reading too many points of view that are similar to my own.” Read More
Weekly Review

Weekly Review

A Saharan dust plume reached Texas. Read More

The Man Who Loved Presidents

Thomas Frank on The Soul of America Read More
Weekly Review

Weekly Review

China celebrated the 100th anniversary of the CCP with a mass wedding, a trivia contest, and a speech in which President Xi warned foreign governments that those who interfere in China’s affairs will have their “heads bashed bloody against a great wall of steel forged by over 1.4 billion Chinese people.” Read More
Weekly Review

Weekly Review

At least 5,000 birds disappeared during a British pigeon race. Read More

Hard Bargain

On the ground during the unionization effort in Bessemer, Alabama Read More
Publisher’s Note

News You Can Use

“How did these clever policymakers in Congress—supported by hundreds of academic economists—achieve their ambitions?” Read More
Weekly Review

Weekly Review

It was reported that a West Virginia congressman used campaign funds for 53 purchases at Chick-fil-A. Read More
Weekly Review

Weekly Review

A White House press corps flight to the G7 summit was delayed because one of the plane’s engines was filled with cicadas. Read More

Prayer for a Just War

Don’t keep calm and carry on: a new way of thinking about action on climate change Read More
Weekly Review

Weekly Review

“Partisan voting legislation will destroy the already weakening binds of our democracy,” said Senator Joe Manchin, announcing that he would vote against his own party’s election reform bill. Read More
Weekly Review

Weekly Review

Senate Democrats killed a Republican-sponsored bill that forbade the creation of “certain human-animal chimeras.” Read More

Stages of Grief

History will recall: ACT UP, COVID-19, and the arts Read More
Weekly Review

Weekly Review

More than 100 people lined up outside of an abandoned Bay Area gas station for the chance to sniff a corpse flower in bloom. Read More

The Anxiety of Influencers

How to gain followers and influence people: TikTok superstars and the perils of our algorithm-driven society Read More
Weekly Review

Weekly Review

Engineers in San Francisco were attempting to silence a loud hum emitted by the Golden Gate Bridge that could be heard 10 miles away. Read More
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