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Timeless stories from our 175-year archive handpicked to speak to the news of the day.
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The century-long struggle to prove the Collatz conjecture
An encounter with early New York graffiti
The political history of the Olympic pictogram
Decrypting the correspondence of Mary, Queen of Scots
The fight over Atlanta’s new police academy
The risks of prescribed burns in a warming climate
Prairie madness on the Great Plains
Online chess reshapes the game of kings
A risky invitation to extraterrestrials
Pandemic bonds and the privatization of public health
How police violence disappears from death certificates
Tracking the past and future spread of ragweed allergies
The Right to Repair movement gains ground
McKinsey goes to Rikers Island
Kurt Gödel’s last proof
Cartoonist Ben Garrison’s MAGA in winter
The art of mapping the underground
Proving you’re safe to travel
The democratic designs of J.B.S. Haldane
How to forge a Dead Sea Scroll
The old media of the ultra-Orthodox
The former Yugoslavia’s enigmatic memorial architecture
How to fight a deportation
What privacy looks like on Google Street View
Disempowering a memorial to Fascism
The legacy of colonialism threatens the future of genetic research
Amazon dreams of a drone-filled sky
What a dental x-ray reveals about poverty
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