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Timeless stories from our 174-year archive handpicked to speak to the news of the day.
When the Prague Spring came to a California high school
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Hunting squirrels and tigers with the Hmong
Israel plays politics with Palestinian development
Tallying the losses of Earth's animals and plants
Software that thinks it knows you
A civilization made of flowers, light, and wax
A skeptic searches for an American faith
How to buy a senator's smile
At the peripheries of violence and desire
Reflections of a lapsed socialist
Sex, race, and denial in an American small town
A sentimental education in stand-up comedy
In a volatile world economy, can everyone lose?
In today’s Britain, every man’s a queen
Learning to teach the learning disabled
Two stops, a century apart, on a losing number
Our high-speed chase to nowhere
The work of William S. Burroughs, once dangerous, is in danger itself
On the Navajo reservation, a passion for blood sport
Orlando's poor laws attempt to regulate the homeless away
When history makes an unexpected entrance
Where the mountains rise from the sea of our yearning
Channeling the remains of an American childhood
On the managed failure of managed health care
The futures market for phone psychics
On celebrity, genius, and would-be novelists
“An unexpectedly excellent magazine that stands out amid a homogenized media landscape.” —the New York Times