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Timeless stories from our 174-year archive handpicked to speak to the news of the day.
Eric Hoffer and the art of the notebook
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My years in the creative-writing gulag
The U.S. shortchanges its outsourced workers
Iraq's hidden costs are coming home
Living by one-handed food alone
Racial preferences color America’s oldest skulls and bones
Washington streamlines the means of corruption
What happened the last time freedom marched on Iraq
The past and possible future of America's nuclear-testing program
David Hockney's long and winding road
Can a nation of spenders be saved?
Why art loses in Hollywood
Caught between the Maoist rebels and the king's army
In Shiite posters, a fever dream for Iraq
The evangelical roots of economics
What will you be eating when the revolution comes?
Radical strip mining and the leveling of Appalachia
Why Social Security won't be enough to save Wall Street
What public-housing design can learn from its past
Picking up the pieces in Afghanistan
Undercover with Florida's Republican shock troops
When desertion is the only option
“An unexpectedly excellent magazine that stands out amid a homogenized media landscape.” —the New York Times