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The Gods of Logic

Before and after artificial intelligence

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Metal Machine Music

Can AI think creatively? Can we?

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What Goes Up

Does the rise of index funds spell catastrophe?

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The Prophet Who Failed

After the apocalypse that wasn’t

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Masters of War

In search of the new world order in Munich

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The Life and Death of Hollywood

Film and television writers face an existential threat

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The Branson Pilgrim

Wherein the author spends a decade acquiring knowledge of country and/or western music, Elvis’s stillborn twin, Bidenomics in the wild, bathroom cruising, wax statuary, race relations, and the soul of the nation

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The Eviction Experts

Can a city stop a housing crisis?

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Jacob’s Dream

MAGA meets the Age of Aquarius

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The Holocaust Angle

How a group of NIMBYs rewrote Alderney’s history

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The Pentagon’s Silicon Valley Problem

How Big Tech is losing the wars of the future

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Getting the Pump

On the resurrection of the body

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Saturn Return

Scenes from the life of a psychedelic pioneer

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Behind the New Iron Curtain

Caviar, counterculture, and the cult of Stalin reborn

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Where the past overtakes you

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The Hofmann Wobble

Wikipedia and the problem of historical memory

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Risky Disco

A sensory workshop bridges the gap

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Mere Belief

Sliding down the curve of forgetting

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The Machine Breaker

Inside the mind of an “ecoterrorist”

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Four Men

Keeping company with outdoor people

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The Tragedy of Volodymyr Zelensky

Beyond the Ukrainian president’s finest hour

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The Spy

On seeing without being seen

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August 2024

“An unexpectedly excellent magazine that stands out amid a homogenized media landscape.” —the New York Times
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