From exercises designed by Marina Abramovic, a Serbian performance artist, for student workshops that she taught in the 1990s. Abramovic’s memoir, Walk Through Walls, was published in October by Crown…
By Cyrus Console, from a manuscript in progress. Console is the author of The Odicy (Omnidawn).
By Claire-Louise Bennett, from a manuscript in progress. Her first book, Pond, was published by Riverhead Books in July.
By Mark Morris, from an entry in a symposium on crying that was published in the Fall 2016 issue of The Threepenny Review. Morris is a dancer and choreographer. His…
From revisions made to the design of the online simulation game Dwarf Fortress since its inception in 2006.
By Abdelfattah Kilito, from The Tongue of Adam, which was published this month by New Directions. Kilito was born in Morocco in 1945. Translated from the French by Robyn Creswell.
From a paper by Nicoletta Beschin, Angela de Bruin, and Sergio Della Sala that was published in the August 2016 issue of the scientific journal Cortex.
From trades proposed on Super Anti-Bachaqueo Truekes, a Venezuelan Facebook group that facilitates barters for household goods.
From notes taken in the 1970s by Douglas Crimp, an art critic. The notes appear in Before Pictures, a memoir that was published last month by the University of Chicago Press…
By Ed Skoog, from Run the Red Lights, which was published this month by Copper Canyon Press. Skoog is the author of two previous collections of poetry, including Rough Day…
By Nicholson Baker, from Substitute, an account of his experiences as a substitute teacher in Maine public schools in 2014. The book was published last month by Blue Rider Press.…
By Mónica de la Torre, from The Happy End/All Welcome, a collection of poetry that will be published in December by Ugly Duckling Presse. De la Torre is the author…
From a conversation with Bina48, a robot that was created by Hanson Robotics for Martine Rothblatt, the CEO of United Therapeutics, as a clone of her wife, Bina Rothblatt. The…
From a village board meeting held in June in Mount Prospect, Illinois. Tykables, a company that serves adult-baby diaper lovers, opened a storefront in the village two months earlier. Arlene…
From a letter written in 1973 by Samuel Beckett to Estelle Parsons, an actress who had requested his thoughts on staging Waiting for Godot with Shelley Winters. The letter appears…
From the transcript of a staff meeting at RBC, a media company based in Moscow, in July. An audio recording of the meeting was leaked to Meduza, a Russian-language news…