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W.W.E. the People

By Naomi Klein, from No Is Not Enough, which was published in June by Haymarket Books. Klein is the author of The Shock Doctrine, among other books.

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Texas Is the Future

Can Democrats reconquer the Lone Star State?

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The Monument Wars

For years, whenever I was in New Orleans, I used to run past an equestrian statue just outside the voluptuously green City Park. Though it is situated at a major…

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Mourning in America

A political orator wittily compared our party promises to western roads, which opened stately enough, with planted trees on either side, to tempt the traveller, but soon became narrow and…

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In The Hollow

The changing face of Appalachia—and its role in the presidential race

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Trump’s People

Among the fans in Florida, New Hampshire, and Iowa

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The Improbability Party

I like to think I’m unique. Don’t you? Complicated. Surprising. Unpredictable. I like to think that people who’ve only just met me or who know only the basic facts about…

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American Imperium

Untangling truth and fiction in an age of perpetual war

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May 2016

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