How does History move? A generation ago, in the Nineties, it seemed to have forgotten how: perhaps, as Elijah mocked the prophets of Baal, History was on a journey, or…
From their introduction to Raritan on War, an anthology of writing from the journal Raritan, which will be published next month by Rutgers University Press. War challenges the limits of…
From “Grand Old Inquisitor,” which appeared in the November 2004 issue of Harper’s Magazine. The complete article—along with the magazine’s entire 174-year archive—is available at When I left the…
“The American political scene,” wrote Perry Anderson in 2013, “is conventionally depicted in high colour.” According to conventional—that is, liberal—observers in the Bush and Obama years, America “cartwheeled from brutish…
“American politics has often been an arena for angry minds.”