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Redeeming Time

From Second Chances: Shakespeare and Freud, a book co-written with Stephen Greenblatt, which will be published next month by Yale University Press. The idea of the second chance is one…

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Photograms by Shao-Feng Hsu, from the series Night Swimming, in which he captures his breathing patterns while swimming under the new moon © The artist Off the Five Finger Islands,…

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Sweet Om Alabama

From emails sent to Alabama state representative Jeremy Gray regarding a bill to legalize the practice of yoga in K–12 schools, which was banned in 1993. I have only done…

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The New New Testament

From an account of John 8:3–11 in a law-and-ethics textbook published by the Chinese Communist Party. In the Gospel, a group of Pharisees have gathered to stone a woman accused…

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The Trouble with Angels

From Angels & Saints, which was published last month by New Directions. Surprisingly little was originally known about the angels. They are mentioned fewer than two hundred times in the…

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Shaking with Fear

From a verbal report given by Harold Howard to Kurt Castaldo, a deputy in the sheriff’s office in Palm Beach County, Florida, in December 2015. Howard alleged that Yousef Muslet…

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On May 13, 2017, I was standing on the back of a pickup truck and addressing a couple hundred or so protesters gathered in front of the Miami field office…

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A Matter of Life

The death penalty as a conservative conundrum

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March 2017

“An unexpectedly excellent magazine that stands out amid a homogenized media landscape.” —the New York Times
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