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Occidents Happen

From the opening lines of chapters in A Short History of Europe, by Simon Jenkins, published in March by Public Affairs Books. It helps to be a god. As Zeus…

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Donald Trump Is a Good President

One foreigner’s perspective

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American Duce

Is Donald Trump a fascist or a plutocrat?

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Helter Seltzer

The campaign against SodaStream

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The Scarlet Debtor

Debt forgiveness is one of the most important innovations of modern capitalism, but it is a fairly recent one. Though the Constitution gives Congress explicit authority to enact “uniform Laws…

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Weekly Review

The Labor Department reported that 533,000 people lost their jobs in November, a further 621,000 people were forced into part-time employment, and 422,000 more simply dropped out of the labor…

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Weekly Review

The world economy continued its collapse. The Dow Jones Industrial Average declined 22 percent over eight days, Wall Street lost $2.4 trillion in market value, and Iceland went bankrupt.CNNBusiness WeekThe…

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