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Foreign relations

Minority death match

Jews, blacks, and the "post-racial" presidency

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Cambodia’s wandering dead

The ghosts of genocide pay penance for Western guilt

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Nowhere land

Along India's border, a forgotten Burmese rebellion

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Georgian roulette

Mikheil Saakashvili beckons from the brink

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A really big show

The New York Philharmonic's fantasia in North Korea

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Many People Have Done Worse

From a video recording of a July meeting in London between Stephen Payne and Yerzhan Dosmukhamedov. Payne is president of the lobbying firm Worldwide Strategic Partners. Dosmukhamedov, a.k.a. Eric Dos,…

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A Foreign Policy You Can’t Refuse

By John C. Hulsman and A. Wess Mitchell, from “Pax Corleone,” published in February on the website of The National Interest. Hulsman is a scholar in residence at the German…

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Most Favored Nation

From a memorandum of conversation for a meeting held in Beijing on February 17, 1973, attended by U.S. National Security Adviser Henry Kissinger, Chairman Mao Zedong, Prime Minister Zhou Enlai,…

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February 2008

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